Change: What’s it all about?
Change as a topic is extensive and emotive. In this blog, we will briefly explore a few points. Is change optional? Why do so many people struggle with making changes? How can we learn to embrace change? There are many definitions of the word change. Most pertinent for our discussion are: “to […]
Genetic Scissors—Snap with caution!
Grocery list Cereal Onions Butter Cheese Bread Tomatoes for controlling blood pressure. What do you find weird about this grocery list? Since when do we add the nutritional benefits of items in the grocery list? Hold on! It’s not to encourage you to eat your five a day but “Tomatoes for controlling blood pressure” is a special type of gene-edited tomatoes that has recently been licensed for […]
It is safe to say that we have all been there, on both sides of the coin: asking for forgiveness and/or being forgiven. But in situations where one finds themselves having to do both the asking and forgiving is somewhat of a double harvest in the long run. Such was the case last year during the last 10 days […]
As I begin to write this blog, the rather quirky ‘70s/80s comedian Ken Dodd springs to mind. His TV shows would often feature his very catchy song: “Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that I possess I thank the Lord that I’ve been blessed With more than my share of happiness…..” 1 The rest of his […]
Role of Faith in Social Integrations
As a Pakistani Ahmadi Muslim based in South London, the topic at hand is quite personal and close to my heart. To be honest, nine years ago when I moved to London, I did not give it much thought but when my first-born started school, it proved to be a penny drop moment for me and brought me to certain realisations. I grappled with a variety of questions. Will integration come natural to my British, Pakistani son? Would he be […]
In the 1980s as part of my O Level in Biology, my school organised a trip to the Natural History Museum. This was a time long before mobile phones, the Internet, computers, Google, You Tube….etc etc. So, for us kids it was an exciting opportunity to see something different. The premise of the trip was […]
Role of Mothers in Islam
As women and girls, we always hear the words “She’s her mothers’ daughter”. Mothers… the people who keep our secrets, our superheroes, our best friends, our biggest support systems, our cheerleaders, our happy place, our comfort zones. Mother’s Day is a day celebrated around the world in appreciation. It was also the day I lost […]
Fasting & Heart Disease
The 15th of July 1993 is not a day that I am likely to forget. It was the day that my beloved father passed away from a sudden heart attack and as a result, became another statistic in the ever-increasing list of those affected by cardiovascular disease. ‘Coronary heart disease (CHD) – Disease that affects […]
Dealing With Problem
As a practitioner, lecturer and Tutor, I have the pleasure of interacting with adults from a variety of backgrounds and ages. In almost 30 years of work, the one thing I have noticed that we all have in common is, we all have, ‘problems’. To better understand how I could serve the people I was […]
Evidence of carbon based life from Quran
Do you fancy participating in a poll? You are made of ———- Stardust Diamonds I won’t keep you in this dilemma of choosing between diamonds and the stars for long because both when narrowed down to their composition are made of carbon and so are we, the human beings. This all makes sense if you […]