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Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 26th January 2025.
Learn more01:00Monday
Series 2. Episode 2. Khilafat. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby is joined by Farhan Ali and Stuart Chatto to discuss about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam. In this programme they discuss the need and blessings of a Khalifa, the importance of obedience to the Khalifa and how a Khalifa is elected?
Learn more02:00Monday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 7th February 2025.
Learn more04:00Monday
Episode 56. Beauty. This episode of Faith In Focus will seek to study how man's search for beauty has led him to produce dazzling works of art & literature, some of breath-taking craft and power, inspired him to traverse the earth in pursuit of the wonders of the natural world, and drawn him into seeking connection and union with the Divine. We shall survey paintings and poetry, scriptures and scientific tracts, art and aesthetic theory, to try and uncover whether it really is so that in Beauty lies the Ultimate Truth, and in truth the very essence of beauty.
Learn more05:00Monday
True Caliphate - A spiritual leadership and source of peace. Introduction to the His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba), the fifth successor to the Promised Messiah and Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
Learn more05:23Monday
Episode 24. A special reception held in his honour of the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) at the prestigious Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills, LA, on 11th May 2013. A venue famous for hosting heads of states and high political officials. Over 360 guests including foreign council generals, federal city and state officials, professors, judges, members of the police and fire chiefs, interfaith leaders and other influential people. His Holiness said that the American people had no reason to fear Islam because it was a religion that advocated peace, universal human rights and a respect for human dignity.
Learn more06:00Monday
Episode 8. Welcome to Words of Wisdom programme, where the timeless wisdom and profound teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat illuminate the path towards spiritual enlightenment and a deeper connection with our Creator. As we embark on this journey together, may this inspirational speech serve as beacon of guidance, igniting within us a passion for righteousness, compassion, and the pursuit of divine knowledge.
Learn more06:30Monday
Tune is to hear recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 3 Verse 148-168. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an is by Maulana Feroz Alam.
Learn more07:00Monday
Wake up to the Breakfast Show and catch up with the latest news stories.
Learn more09:00Monday
Series 2. Episode 3. Can a prophet still come? Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby is joined by Farhan Ali (a new convert from a Shi'ite background) and Stuart Chatto (a new convert from a Christian background) to discuss about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, in response to our Khalifah's desire that every Ahmadi Muslim should fully understand why they are an Ahmadi Muslim and what are the claims of the Promised Messiah (a.s)? In this programme they will discuss What is a Prophet? What does the word 'Khatam' mean? Does the Qur'an still allow prophets to come? Is there is need for another prophet?
Learn more10:00Monday
Episode 44. Dr Mohammed Iqbal the host of Living History explores with fellow Panelists, Munir Ahmed and Yousaf Aftab the Life and Services of Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad Khalifatul Masih III. The Script is based on all approved material by senior Jamaat officials including Imam sb Attaul Mujeeb Rashad that was prepared for documentaries to mark Khilafat Centenary celebrations. This is a special Series of Programmes made for the Jalsa Salana UK Broadcasts and Regular Broadcasts.
Learn more11:00Monday
Episode 57. Devotion. Faith in Focus travels through mosques and monasteries, temples and synagogues in order to explore the concept of ‘life devotion’ across faiths. From ‘taking the cloth’ in Christianity to the bhikkhus and bhikkhunis* of Buddhism to the rabbis of Judaism and the Imams of Islam, we look into the different ways in which men and women of faith devote their lives to their religion. Does devotion entail a life of seclusion in the cloisters of a monastery? Or does it mean preaching the Word of God? Or is it the ascetic in the wilderness who is the truest devotee of the Lord? We speak to individuals who have chosen to devote themselves to their faiths and ask what life devotion means in the 21st century.
Learn more12:00Monday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 8th February 2025.
Learn more14:00Monday
Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 2nd February 2025.
Learn more15:00Monday
Episode 29. A Taste of Faith. A woman's role is only in the kitchen' and 'All women are natural cooks'; Join us for an empowering episode of Sisters on Air as we invite two Muslim Women guests to challenge these two prevalent myths. Together, we will be exploring the teachings of 'halal', the historical and cultural context of food practices in Islam, and also shedding light on the science behind them. Make sure to stay tuned until the end to hear our guests’ favourite recipes and their top food recommendations!
Learn more16:00Monday
Join in the debate of the day in this live interactive discussion programme.
Learn more18:00Monday
Episode 59. Friendship. In this programme we will be taking a closer look at friendship, its various forms and facets, and its impact on our spiritual growth. Why does man spend so much of his life trying to develop meaningful friendships? How does true friendship manifest itself? "Allah is the friend of those who believe. He brings them out of every kind of darkness into light…" (Holy Qur'an 2:258) Becoming "Wali-ullah" or a "friend of Allah" is a goal that Muslims aspire to, but what does friendship with our Creator entail and how is it achieved? Some would say that the path to friendship with The Almighty begins with being a good friend and companion to His creation. There is no doubt that friends play a central role in many people's lives, but how important is it to have the "right" friends, and how have friendships evolved throughout the history of civilisation?
Learn more19:00Monday
Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 19th January 2025.
Learn more20:00Monday
Episode 25. An address delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) at a reception held on the occasion of the inauguration of the “Baitur Rashid” Mosque in Hamburg, Germany on 5th December 2012. Many dignitaries including politicians, professors, doctors and leaders of different religious faith attended the event.
Learn more20:41Monday
Ali baba and the forty thieves: listen in to the classic story of Ali baba and how he and Maryam out smart the wicked thieves. You will learn about the significance of moral stories and why greed can bring an end to ones being.
Learn more21:00Monday
Season 8 Episode 8. After a brief recap, this episode discusses the God-given awe of the Holy Prophet (saw). We then discuss and answer a range of allegations faced by the prophet of Islam and mention the various tactics used by the Quraish to stop his mission, raging from proposals of compromise to extreme persecution and outright buycott.
Learn more22:00Monday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 7th February 2025.
Learn more00:00Tuesday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 9th February 2025.
Learn more02:00Tuesday
Episode 60. Instances and Infinities Shimmer. What is a star? How has our perception of this changed over the ages? We will discuss birth of a star, how it is created; life of a star as well as death of stars. We will also look into Black Holes, what they are and what are the definitive criteria for their creation?
Learn more03:00Tuesday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 8th February 2025.
Learn more05:00Tuesday
Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 9th February 2025.
Learn more06:00Tuesday
Episode 21. In this show, we shall be hearing inspiring poetry from the scientist and acclaimed poet Dr Muddasar Rashid who is from London. Dr Muddasar is an experimental physicist specifically in the area of quantum dynamics and thermo mechanics and shares six of his shimmering poems where he tries to personify nature allowing him to explore a different perspective which perhaps uncovers a hidden law of Allah at work. Inspired by the Holy Quran, his poetry begins with the journey which inspired him to go into a career of science and which then developed further, eventually encapsulating his scientific heart. Being keen on Hiking he has also had the opportunity to travel and marvel at the wondrous world in which we live from a height very few of us have been able to reach.His in-depth scientific knowledge and outlook coupled with a love for the Holy Quran has allowed him to bring a unique insight into the harmonious laws of nature, all expressed through poetry.
Learn more06:30Tuesday
Tune is to hear recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 3 Verse 168-192. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an is by Maulana Feroz Alam.
Learn more07:00Tuesday
Wake up to the Breakfast Show and catch up with the latest news stories.
Learn more09:00Tuesday
Episode 26. An address delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) at a reception held on the occasion of the inauguration of the first Ahmadiyya Mosque (Baitul Masroor Mosque) in Brisbane, Australia, on 23rd October 2013. Many dignitaries including state MPs, Legan State council men and mayors and the Queensland police commissioner attended the event.
Learn more09:23Tuesday
Episode 24. We have in our possession a treasure trove unlike no other. The actual words of God bound in a book - The Holy Quran. In this show we shall be exploring and unearthing some of the blessings of this unique book and hopefully giving you all something to ponder over. The first poem is from the other side of the vast Atlantic ocean, words full of devotion, brother Furqan Mehmud from the USA, with his poem titled ‘The Quran’. The second poem, as you will see, comes from a blossoming tree, the poetical jewel, young sister Khoula Saeed with her inspiring poem titled: ‘The Miracle of the Holy Quran’. The third poem comes from the north of England in Durham, brother Alex Borthwick, with his poem titled ‘The Glorious Quran’, and this is then followed by a poet from far across the desert springs, from the United Arab Emirates, we bring, with notable words of charm, the acclaimed poet, brother Kamran Khan. The fifth poem has some rather interesting couplets to share, with her poem titled The Word of God, from the splendid sister Mufleha Saleem Ahmad. The sixth poem, comes from London with a south westerly breeze which was inspired by the Holy Quran and is titled ‘Light Upon Light’, by the very talented sister Rizwana Aziz. The final poem calls himself a working-class philanthropist, who by profession he is a Software analyst. With his poem titled ‘Turn the Page’ we present the wonderful poet Hamaad Ur Rehman.
Learn more10:00Tuesday
Episode 1. Our guest is Dr Musa Sami, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Consultant Psychiatrist (specialising in addiction & substance abuse) at the University of Nottingham, UK. We discuss the fundamentals of how addictions develop, the biological effects & methods to counteract addiction.As an Ahmadi Muslim, Dr Musa Sami also comments on Islamic studies to reflect on how Islamic principles can guide & alleviate addiction. We further discuss avenues for future research and ideas for exploration.
Learn more11:00Tuesday
Series 2. Episode 4. Death of Jesus according to the Holy Qur'an. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby is joined by Farhan Ali (a new convert from a Shi'ite background) and Stuart Chatto (a new convert from a Christian background) to discuss about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, in response to our Khalifah's desire that every Ahmadi Muslim should fully understand why they are an Ahmadi Muslim and what are the claims of the Promised Messiah (a.s)? In this programme they will discuss whether the Holy Qur'an states that Jesus died on the cross or not. What was the understanding of the Holy Prophet and his companions?
Learn more12:00Tuesday
Episode 27. Address delivered to locals and dignitaries by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) at the inauguration of Noor Mosque, Crawley and reception held for local dignitaries on 18th January 2014.
Learn more12:28Tuesday
Khalil Gibran: Come and explore the life of Lebanese American poet Khalil Gibran, born to a Maronite family he become one of the greatest poets of the 20th century. We will be reading extracts from his Magnus Opum The Prophet, which explores the common themes of life, religion, marriage, giving, receiving and much more.
Learn more13:00Tuesday
Episode 2. Mental ill health is the single largest cause of disability in the UK, contributing up to 22.8% of the total burden. In this episode, we discussed the importance of developing mental wellbeing to prevent mental illness and what can we do if one develops the illness. We focused on when to seek help from doctors. How the family members or colleagues can play a role to pick up the problem early so that treatment can be initiated.
Learn more13:26Tuesday
Inspirational story of how Aamina Ali accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Learn more14:00Tuesday
Episode 7. In this episode we are joined by Peter Sanders. We will ask him how he started photography, his passion for photography and his journey to Islam. Join us as to hear about his passion for Islamic art, how he travelled around the world, his visit to the Jalsa Salana and about his meeting with his holiness.
Learn more15:00Tuesday
Episode 4: The Islamic Renaissance: The Historic Journey of Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II, in 1924 In this program we cover the chronology of the journey and the prophecy of the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, regarding one of his caliphs visiting Damascus. It also discusses Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II’s love for the Muslims of Palestine and the farsightedness in understanding their problems and proposing solutions. After his departure in Qadian he stopped in the Arab Lands namely Egypt, Palestine and Syria. During his stay in these countries he was able to meet with the most influential members of society and propagate the true message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. The Arab press also proactively covered the activities of His Holiness.
Learn more16:00Tuesday
Join in the debate of the day in this live interactive discussion programme.
Learn more18:00Tuesday
Series 2 Episode 10. In this episode we will be in conversation with Dr Ejaz Seerat who has undertaken some interesting research on the topic of the Holy Qur’an and Science. She is a medical doctor by profession and has worked as a child specialist in Federal Government Hospital Islamabad Pakistan for more than 25 years. Dr Seerat has presented many research papers and participated in many seminars relating to her specialized area of mother and child health and nutrition in various countries across the world. She has worked in many community outreach programs and charitable programs. In this episode we will also have a guest panelist Razwan Baig who also produces programs on the Voice of Islam radio. In this episode Dr Ejaz Seerat will present fascinating aspects of science in the Holy Qur’an and also prophecies contained in the Holy Quran.
Learn more19:00Tuesday
Episode 45.Dr Mohammed Iqbal the host of Living History explores with fellow Panelists, Prof Amir Sharif and Yousaf Aftab the Life and Services of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad Ahmad Khalifatul Masih IV. The Script is based on all approved material by senior Jamaat officials including Imam sb Attaul Mujeeb Rashad that was prepared for documentaries to mark Khillafat Centenary celebrations.
Learn more20:00Tuesday
Episode 2. Our guest is Dr Ahsan M. Khan, Consultant Ophthalmologist, specialising in Cataract & Glaucoma Surgery & the Director of the Gift of Sight Program for Humanity First USA. We learn about how the eyes function, how to improve our vision, modern-day problems affecting our eyes and the mechanisms of glasses & contact lenses. Dr Ahsan speaks of the immensely rewarding Gift of Sight project which he has had the opportunity to serve in and reflects on the great rewards that restoring eyesight provides for those living in developing countries. We also discuss about how the Eyes are mentioned in the Holy Quran, and the rich Islamic history in the field of Optics. Dr Ahsan Khan has been in practice for 16 years and has written various publications in the field of Ophthalmology including a book chapter on glaucoma laser treatments. He also serves as the Director of the Gift of Sight program for Humanity First USA which takes teams of doctors to underserved parts of the world to conduct eye medical camps. Most recently he has been assigned as a faculty consultant to the Masroor Eye Institute in Burkina Faso, West Africa.
Learn more21:00Tuesday
Episode 61. Colours. For today’s programme on Faith on Focus as we discover the world and all its vibrant colours especially as we approach spring time, and the Hindu festival of Holi. We will look at the significance of some colours in faith, the impact of colours on us, as well as colour blindness, and the new craze of mindful colouring for adults. Join us for a colourful and vibrant programme!
Learn more22:00Tuesday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 9th February 2025.
Learn more00:00Wednesday
Episode 28. An address delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) at a reception held in his honour at the Hilton Hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark on 9th May 2016. More than 125 politicians, academics and community leaders attended the historic event.
Learn more00:32Wednesday
Life of Prophet Yusuf. Part 1. Join us as we explore the life and trials of the great Prophet Yusuf pbuh (Joseph). We will explore how all monotheistic religions celebrate the life of the great prophet, learn of the struggles he faces on the path to greatness and how he was revered in history as a dream interpreter.
Learn more01:00Wednesday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 10th February 2025.
Learn more03:00Wednesday
Episode 30. The Learning Zone. We all strive, as females, to feel empowered. As women, we are strong, bold, courageous, and, most importantly, empowered. However, what is it that gives us this feeling of empowerment? It can be several things, including achievement, overcoming hardship; the list goes on and on. However, today I would like to focus on how academic achievements play a role in female empowerment. Let’s discuss the importance of an education in producing strong and empowered women.
Learn more04:00Wednesday
Series 2. Episode 5. Death of Jesus according to the Holy Bible. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby is joined by Farhan Ali (a new convert from a Shi'ite background) and Stuart Chatto (a new convert from a Christian background) to discuss about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, in response to our Khalifah's desire that every Ahmadi Muslim should fully understand why they are an Ahmadi Muslim and what are the claims of the Promised Messiah (a.s)? In this programme they will discuss whether the Holy Bible states that Jesus died on the cross or not.
Learn more05:00Wednesday
Episode 62. War. What does Islam say about war and Jihad? Is Holy War ever justified? Why does Islam offer rules for war? Do other faiths say anything about war? Looking at the impact of war on women and the role women have in a time of war.
Learn more06:00Wednesday
Life of Prophet Yusuf. Part 2. Join us as we continue on our journey through the life of the great Prophet Yusuf (Joesph) pbuh. Learn how he is taken out of prison, becomes the Minister of Egypt and is finally reunited with his father and brothers.
Learn more06:26Wednesday
Tune is to hear recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 3 Verse 193-201 and Chapter 4 Verse 1-12. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an is by Maulana Feroz Alam.
Learn more07:00Wednesday
Wake up to the Breakfast Show and catch up with the latest news stories.
Learn more09:00Wednesday
Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 26th January 2025.
Learn more10:00Wednesday
Episode 1. This radio segment will introduce the International Association of Ahmadi Architects and Engineers (IAAAE), showcasing its history, mission, and key initiatives. The program will highlight how IAAAE provides essential services such as potable water, renewable energy, and sustainable village infrastructure to communities in developing countries. Through stories of their evolution from small beginnings to impactful global projects, listeners will gain insight into the importance of research, knowledge-sharing, and innovation. The segment will also celebrate the spirit of volunteerism and sacrifice that defines IAAAE’s work, while addressing the challenges they face and their strategies to overcome them.
Learn more11:00Wednesday
Episode 63. Dreams. What do our dreams mean? Is there a hidden depth to the visions that we see while we slumber or are they simply just the ramblings of our unconscious mind? For some people, their dreams have played a life changing or faith altering role. How can we explain the depth of conviction that we feel on seeing certain dreams? Throughout time, holy and spiritual people have claimed to have seen prophetic or true dreams, such as the dreams of Prophet Joseph (on whom be peace). Are dreams in fact a way for God to communicate with man? If so, then how do we decipher them in the way that God intends us to? Where do we look for truth and guidance when interpreting our dreams? Does Faith have the answers?
Learn more12:00Wednesday
Episode 1. In this inaugural episode of "The Review of Religions Programme," we delve into the fascinating history of the renowned magazine that serves as the inspiration for this engaging radio show. Join us as we uncover the captivating stories behind its inception and evolution. Discover the magazine's dynamic online platform and explore its vibrant presence on social media. Gain insights from esteemed authors as we engage in enlightening conversations about a diverse range of topics. Prepare to be captivated as we delve into breaking a code revealed to the Messiah and explore the exquisite perfection found in God's creation, analyzing the intricate world of the spider webs. This is an episode you cannot afford to miss! Join us on "The Review of Religions Programme" on The Voice of Islam as we embark on an intellectual and spiritual journey, delving into the thought-provoking articles and timeless wisdom found within the magazine.
Learn more13:00Wednesday
Episode 29. An address delivered by the worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) at a reception held on the occasion of the inauguration of the of the Mahmood Mosque (Mosque of the Praiseworthy) in Malmo, Sweden on 14th May 2016. Over 80 dignitaries and guests, including the Malmo’s City Council Chairman attended the event.
Learn more13:28Wednesday
Commentary of the seventh verse of the opening chapter of the Holy Qur'an, Surah Al-Fatiha.
Learn more14:00Wednesday
Episode 46. History of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community-Jalsa Special-History of Jalsa Salana
Learn more15:00Wednesday
Episode 31. Food Security. Conferred the honourable duty to provide both physical and spiritual nourishment to their families, women are recognised in Islam as having the distinct capacity to strengthen society’s prosperity. In a world beset with inequities in food security and distribution, we also explore the guidance Islam offers on this issue. We will additionally reflect on recent research on how Muslim women and their household management was affected by COVID-19. There will be discussion on physical and economic access to vital resources such as food, with this linked to the principles of equity and sustainability embedded in Islam. What role can women play in enacting these principles, within and beyond their homes?
Learn more16:00Wednesday
Join in the debate of the day in this live interactive discussion programme.
Learn more18:00Wednesday
Episode 64. Women In Scriptures and Religious Traditions. Key women in religious scriptures can sometimes be overlooked, however all provide exemplary qualities that we can emulate in everyday life. Today we should encourage growth and success amongst the women in our society. We often hear how men are superior to women, but in fact there are so many powerful women that have made their mark in history. Much debate still remains around the status of women in religion however with advances in modern society and feminism, this has led to the advent of very successful women. We must remember that many religions provide teachings of quality and give clear instances in their Holy Scriptures to highlight the impact of key individual women. This programme aims to discuss the role of women in religion and address some religious women that have been mentioned in scriptures - their influence and their effect. These women have made many sacrifices and have contributed to the spread of religion; acting as role models for us all.
Learn more19:00Wednesday
Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 2nd February 2025.
Learn more20:00Wednesday
Episode 39. The concept of a Global Family is explored in this episode through poetry, interview and the enlightenment of Divine revelation. The episode begins with a melodious title song presenting the vision of Poets For Peace Show. The show consists of 3 segments, Symphony, Viewpoint and Inspirational. The Symphony segment presents the original poetry in the voices of a global team of Poets For Peace on the theme of the show. This is Episode Part 1 of a series of 3 episodes on the vital concept of Global Family. The poets participating in this episode’s Symphony segment are Sumayra Ahmad and Bushra Khan from UK and Kashmala Ahmad from USA. This segment also reveals a dream and quote of an eminent spiritual personality about the significance of poetry writing. The Viewpoint segment contains interview of a professor of Anthropology from UMBC University USA exploring the concept of Global Family. The Inspirational segment contains Divine enlightenment on the concept of Global Family from the Holy Quran and the sacred poetry of the Promised Messiah peace be upon him. This segment also presents Divine attributes of peace and security.
Learn more21:00Wednesday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 10th February 2025.
Learn more23:00Wednesday
Episode 47. History of Money and Trade Part 1- Cows and Crops to Coin Trade. Dr Mohammed Iqbal the host of Living History explores with fellow Panellists, Prof Amir Sharif and Yousaf Aftab : Earliest forms of trade-crops and animals, Role of the Market and the Temple, Use of Non-Perishable Goods-Salt, Shells etc, Use of Metals- Cooper, Silver and Gold, The introduction of Coins and King of Kings-Cyrus the Great.
Learn more00:00Thursday
Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 19th January 2025.
Learn more01:00Thursday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 8th February 2025.
Learn more03:00Thursday
Series 2. Episode 6. Truthfulness of the Prophet. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby is joined by Farhan Ali (a new convert from a Shi'ite background) to discuss about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, in response to our Khalifah's desire that every Ahmadi Muslim should fully understand why they are an Ahmadi Muslim and what are the claims of the Promised Messiah (a.s)? In this programme they will discuss the ten criteria found in the Holy Books to prove the truth of a prophet and how the Promised Messiah fulfilled each one.
Learn more04:00Thursday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 11th February 2025.
Learn more06:00Thursday
Inspirational story of how Hamza Ilyas accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Learn more06:30Thursday
Tune is to hear recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 7 Verse 195-207 Chapter 8 Verse 1-28. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an is by Maulana Feroz Alam.
Learn more07:00Thursday
Wake up to the Breakfast Show and catch up with the latest news stories.
Learn more09:00Thursday
Season 8 Episode 9. After a brief recap, this episode discusses the events that led to the deliverance of Muslims from the boycott. We then discuss the demise of the Holy Prophet' (saw) wife and uncle. A brief account will be given of the miracle shaq ul qamar and then the growing adversity towards the prophet including the incident of Taif.
Learn more10:00Thursday
Episode 48. History of Money and Trade Part 2- Rise of the Great Eurasian Empires. Dr Mohammed Iqbal the host of Living History explores with fellow Panellists, Arif Ahmed and Amjad Hussain: Money and Trade across China and India, Trade Wars- the Greco-Persian Wars, The Thucydides Trap-Sparta and Athens at War, Mediterranean Trade Wars-Rome and Carthage, The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire and the Imperial Overstretch and Currency Debasement.
Learn more11:00Thursday
Series Two, Episode 7. Ten conditions of Bai'at. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby is joined by Farhan Ali (a new convert from a Shi'ite background) and Stuart Chatto (a new convert from a Christian background) to discuss about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, in response to our Khalifah's desire that every Ahmadi Muslim should fully understand why they are an Ahmadi Muslim and what are the claims of the Promised Messiah (a.s)? In this programme they will discuss the Ten conditions of Bai'at for joining the community.
Learn more12:00Thursday
Episode 32. Marriage. The 2021 UK census highlighted a slump in younger people marrying. In 1991, 2.7 million 25- to 35-year-olds were unmarried. Today that figure is at 5.8 million. What perceptions do we have of marriage today that young people are delaying it? Women gained the right to work in the UK in early 20th century. They needed financial security and marriage for many, was the only way. With changed circumstances, is it that” marriage “doesn’t really make sense anymore” for women? We explore that there is more to marriage than meets the eye and why Islam views marriage as extremely favourable.
Learn more13:00Thursday
Episode 16. Access to NHS services is diverse and readily available to those who can navigate smartphones or other digital devices with an internet connection. The healthcare landscape is evolving rapidly, with more people utilizing online consultations, reliable web-based information from, and services like NHS 111 or Pharmacy First. These options empower individuals to enhance self-care and directly access the most appropriate NHS services for their needs. In this episode the panel explored and gave information on the changes that took place in the NHS especially in the primary care and inclusion of allied health care professionals I.e. Paramedics, Clinical Pharmacists, practice-based physiotherapists, Social prescribers.
Learn more13:27Thursday
Inspirational story of how Raja Ata-ul-Mannan accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Learn more14:00Thursday
Episode 2. In this episode of "The Review of Religions" radio program, hosts Sufyan Farooqi and Zubair Hayat delve into thought-provoking content from a recent edition of "The Review of Religions" magazine, which has a rich history dating back to 1902. The hosts introduce the program, emphasizing the magazine's dedication to providing insightful content on religion, spirituality, and the world. This programme covered the following topics Quranic Insights: The program discusses a fascinating Quranic concept related to mountains as pegs, highlighting how modern research aligns with ancient wisdom, reinforcing the existence of God. They also touch upon the importance of encouraging youth to explore Quranic insights. Places of Worship: The significance of featuring places of worship in the magazine is explored, shedding light on their evolution over the years. Impact in Ghana: The program connects with "The Review of Religions" coordinator in Ghana, discussing the magazine's impact in the region. Electric Eel and Nature's Flawlessness: The electric eel is examined, and a new series on the perfection of nature is introduced. African Impact: The impact of "The Review of Religions" in Africa, particularly Ghana, is highlighted, including distribution among members of Parliament and government officials. The program also mentions the magazine's accessibility through audio podcasts and social media.
Learn more15:00Thursday
Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 9th February 2025.
Learn more16:00Thursday
Join in the debate of the day in this live interactive discussion programme.
Learn more18:00Thursday
Episode 30. An address delivered on 14th June 2014, by the worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper), to guests at the second day of the Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Germany.
Learn more18:30Thursday
Episode 2. This episode will serve as an introduction to the concept of FoRB. It will focus on the origins of FoRB, The origins of the concept of freedom of expression, freedom of religion in history & how it has evolved over time, the relevance it has played in history and where the key changes occurred historically to the rights of FoRB. In particular, we will focus on the early years of FoRB: The Romans tolerated most religions, including Judaism, and encouraged local subjects to continue worshipping their own gods. They did not however, tolerate Christianity until it was legalised by the Roman emperor Galerius in 311. Holmes and Bickers note that as long as Christianity was treated as a part of Judaism it enjoyed the same freedom, but the Christian claim to religious exclusivity meant its followers found themselves subject to hostility. The early Christian apologist Tertullian was the first-known writer referring to the term libertas religionis. The Edict of Milan guaranteed freedom of religion in the Roman Empire until the Edict of Thessalonica in 380, which outlawed all religions except Christianity. Following a period of fighting lasting around a hundred years before 620 AD which mainly involved Arab and Jewish inhabitants of Medina (then known as Yathrib), religious freedom for Muslims, Jews and pagans was declared by Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) in the Constitution of Medina. In early Muslim history (until mid 11th century), most Islamic scholars maintained a level of separation from the state which helped to establish some elements of institutional religious freedom. The Islamic Caliphate later guaranteed religious freedom under the conditions that non-Muslim communities accept dhimmi status and their adult males pay the jizya tax instead of the zakat paid by Muslim citizens.
Learn more19:00Thursday
Episode 49. History of Money and Trade Part 3- The Worlds of Conquerors, Prophets and Reformers. Dr Mohammed Iqbal the host of Living History explores with fellow Panellists, Arif Ahmed and Amjad Hussain: Role of Trade and Religion in Empire Building, Loyalty to Caesar and loyalty to God-Roman/Israelite Struggle, Rise of Christianity- From Roman Gods to Trinity, Rise of Islam- Uniting Mankind under One God, Trade Rules under Muhammad and the Four Caliphs and the Caliphate and the Muslim Golden Age.
Learn more20:00Thursday
Episode 3. Our guest is Mujeeb Ijaz, Founder & CEO of Our Next Energy (ONE), an advanced technology battery company with headquarters in Michigan, USA. Mujeeb Ijaz is a battery systems engineer with over 30 years of experience in the development of electric vehicles (EVs) and battery systems technologies. His career work has focused on furthering the adoption of EVs through advancements in battery safety, range, and cost. In January 2022, ONE was in the headlines after increasing and nearly doubling the range of a Tesla Model S with a ONE Gemini 001 battery pack, driving 752 miles. Watch the full video: Our Next Energy (ONE) Powers Tesla EV 752 Miles on a single charge
Learn more21:00Thursday
Episode 65. Meditation. What is meant by meditation and what is the differences between prayer and meditation. We will look into differences between religious and spiritual meditation, and why those who do not have a faith would choose to meditate. We will explore its health and wellbeing benefits and talk about meditation in different world religions.
Learn more22:00Thursday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 11th February 2025.
Learn more00:00Friday
Episode 45. Islam and Slavery. Many years before the abolition of the slave trade in 1807, the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be on him) taught his followers to free slaves and to give them their due rights. He also taught that all people, no matter what race, are equal and to be treated as such. This programme looks at the Islamic teachings on slavery, a topic that is sadly not yet confined to history books. We will explore slavery in the past and modern day slavery as well as the impact that it has on our society.
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Episode 12. The creation of the universe. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby teaches his student Mr Stuart Chatto about the reality of the big bang theory, the expanding universe and life after death.
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Episode 42. Dr Mohammed Iqbal, the host of Living History, explores with fellow panelists, Arif Ahmed and Prof Amir Sharif, the life and services of Hazrat Maulvi Noorudin, Khalifatul Masih I. The script is based on all approved material by senior Jamaat officials including Imam Sahib Atta ul Mujeeb Rashid that was prepared for documentaries to mark Khilafat Centenary celebrations.
Learn more03:00Friday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 5th February 2025.
Learn more05:00Friday
Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 2nd February 2025.
Learn more06:00Friday
Inspirational story of how Fariha Advic accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Learn more06:30Friday
Tune is to hear recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 3 Verse 64-92. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an is by Maulana Feroz Alam.
Learn more07:00Friday
Wake up to the Breakfast Show and catch up with the latest news stories.
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Episode 13. An address delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper), at a reception held in his honour in at the Hilton Hotel in Tokyo, Japan on 23rd November 2015.
Learn more09:30Friday
Episode 20. The theme of this show is I am certain close to all of our hearts, as we all have a mother and we love them very dearly. We shall be hearing from five very talented poets with their varying expressions of love for their Mother which we hope will pluck upon the strings of your heart. No other religion lays so much emphasis on the kindness to your parents than Islam, especially your mother, and we shall explore this in more detail along with hearing some amazing poems about our Dear Mothers.
Learn more10:00Friday
Episode 8. Our guest is Dr Asif Jamil who is a Researcher in Neuropsychiatry at Harvard Medical School & Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). He completed his BSc in Neurobiology, MSc in Neuroimaging, and has 2 PhDs, one in systems neuroscience and the second in rehabilitation science. He has also recently completed his postdoctoral training, and his research focuses on development and application of device-based non-invasive neuromodulation to treat human neuropsychiatric disorders. He has recently been appointed September 2021 as a faculty member of Harvard Medical School (Instructor in Psychiatry) and a Principal Investigator at the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). We discuss brain states, how they affect our everyday life, mood, sleep and how to focus better.
Learn more11:00Friday
Episode 46. Sin IV – Lust. How do we define lust? Is lust considered a ‘sin’ in Islam and other faiths? What is the impact of lust upon our worldly and spiritual lives? A look at the issue of polygamy and arranged marriage in Islam and its benefits as well as the subject of gender segregation. What remedies does Islam offer against lust? Has the approach of society towards lust changed over time?
Learn more12:00Friday
Episode 43. Dr Mohammed Iqbal the host of Living History explores with fellow Panelists, Munir Ahmed and Yousaf Aftab the Life and Services of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad Khalifatul Masih II. The Script is based on all approved material by senior Jamaat officials including Imam sb Attaul Mujeeb Rashad that was prepared for documentaries to mark Khilafat Centenary celebrations. This is a special Series of Programmes made for the Jalsa Salana UK Broadcasts, Musleh Maud Broadcasts and Regular Broadcasts.
Learn more13:00Friday
LIVE English translation of the Friday sermon of His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May Allah be his Helper).
Learn more14:00Friday
Episode 14. An address delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper), at a special reception held in his honour at the Paramount Banquet Centre in Woodbridge, Ontario, on 16th July 2012. The event was hosted by the Premier of Ontario, Hon. Dalton McGuinty and the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration for Ontario, Hon. Charles Sousa. His Holiness stressed the importance of always upholding truth in all matters.
Learn more14:30Friday
Caricatures. Part 1. Over the past decade the world has been witness to the controversy surrounding the caricatures of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), tune in to hear the words of the Khalifa of Islam Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his helper) on how the Muslim world should have responded to the caricatures..
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Episode 3: The Islamic Renaissance: The Historic Journey of Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II, in 1924 In this episode we delve into the background of the British Empire Exhibition of 1924, exploring why it was held and the rationale behind including a conference on religion. It also highlights the role of the organizers and details the process of inviting Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra). This program also covers the details of what happened in Qadian, when the invite was received.
Learn more16:00Friday
Join in the debate of the day in this live interactive discussion programme.
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Episode 48. East West II. In Part Two of our series on ‘East and West’, Faith in Focus delves deep into the cultural, literary and spiritual facets of the East-West divide. We take a look at the languages and dialects of the two regions before examining the cultural and literary traditions of both East and West. From the spell-binding and soul-awakening mystical poetry of the Sufis and the Sages to the breath-taking portraits and paintings of the European Renaissance, we take a look at some of the most exquisite pieces of art produced by man. We also journey through the lands of East and West to try and piece together the story of the spiritual journey of man- the story of the rich spiritual and religious traditions of East and West.
Learn more19:00Friday
Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 12th January 2025.
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Episode 15. An address delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper), at a reception held in Wellington, New Zealand.
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Episode 11. Humility – In light of Islamic Teachings. In Islam the first stage of man’s spiritual developments is that of humility. Islamic teachings help shun false pride by constantly reminding us of the transient nature of this world and our limited capabilities as humans. Episode 12. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) – The Embodiment of Peace. The noble character and teachings of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) transformed a society steeped in all sorts of injustices and depravity to one that became a haven of peace and centre of intellectual, spiritual and moral progress.
Learn more21:00Friday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 5th February 2025.
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Episode 25. Friendship and Sisterhood. Imagine a world with complete peace, unity, and harmony! It seems so unachievable that most people would laugh at the thought. Still, let’s at least strive for it. What’s the best way of striving for harmony, unity, and sisterhood? Having conversations can be inspiring. Let’s have a conversation on the importance of sisterhood and the meaning of valuable relationships from which we can derive support, warmth, comfort, and overall life satisfaction. It’s through building of communities that we are able to flourish. It is in our best interest to do our part in striving towards unity and harmony. So, let’s explore what we can do to make this dream a reality.
Learn more00:00Saturday
Episode 5. What is the golden ratio and how it can be defined linking back to the ideas of western and Islamic scholars of mathematics, sciences and The Arts? Leonardo da Vinci and his usage of golden ratio linking back to Luca Piccioli and his reading of Islamic scholars who had written about the golden ratio. We will look at the usage of golden ratio in letters and proportion with a link back to a pioneer of Islamic calligraphy; Ibn Muqlah. Golden ratio is used in major monuments such as Taj mahal, shah lotfollah mosque etc. leading to the perfection of Islamic architecture. Finally we look at the usage in Islamic calligraphy and how major letters conform to the golden ratio.
Learn more01:00Saturday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 6th February 2025.
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A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 1st February 2025.
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Episode 49. Rites of Passage IV – Death. The permanent end of our biological function. The inevitable and unavoidable conclusion of being born. How and when it occurs cannot always be known, and for most, this final rite of passage raises countless questions. What happens to our body and soul before, during and after our biological death? Is there an afterlife? Can we still communicate with those left behind? The mystery of death and what lies beyond the end of life has had mankind transfixed since the beginning of time, inspiring poets, artists, philosophers and even whole civilisations. A myriad of elaborate rituals and customs, in this programme we will take a look at the central role that death plays in the traditions of people all over the world. What sorts of symbolic actions are part of this rite of passage and what role does faith play in every aspect of this final stage of life?
Learn more06:00Saturday
Caricatures. Part 2. Over the past decade the world has been witness to the controversy surrounding the caricatures of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), tune in to hear the words of the Khalifa of Islam Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his helper) on how the Muslim world should have responded to the caricatures.
Learn more06:30Saturday
Tune is to hear recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 3 Verse 93-118. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an is by Maulana Feroz Alam.
Learn more07:00Saturday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 2nd February 2025.
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Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 26th January 2025.
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A live show discussing the major news stories of the week.
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Episode 6. In this episode we look at the principles of art known as rhythm, balance and proportion. We will look at how they are received in the modern world as well as the different analogies and concepts.
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Episode 13. Spiritual Journey. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby teaches his student Mr Stuart Chatto about the Islamic belief in a Living God, the concept of suffering and the meaning of life.
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Episode 16. A historic address delivered by His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, at Capitol Hill, USA on 27th June 2012 on the subject of 'Peace & Harmony'.
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Episode 13. The Way of Preaching. Episode 1. Benevolence of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings on him) was the most compassionate of people and the most merciful towards all creation of God. He wished well for even those who caused him pain, he was indeed an embodiment of Divine mercy.
Learn more15:00Saturday
Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 2nd February 2025.
Learn more16:00Saturday
Episode 1: The Islamic Renaissance: The Historic Journey of Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II, in 1924 In this episode, we explored the historical presence of Islam in the UK before the arrival of Ahmadiyya Muslim missionaries before the start of the 20th century. We also covered the significant to establish Islam in Western countries and the prophecies of the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, concerning this matter i.e. “Sun of Islam rising from the west”. How did the promised Messiah, peace be on him, fulfil this prophecy? We also covered the companions of the Promised Messiah, peace be on him, that were sent to England during his lifetime.
Learn more17:00Saturday
Episode 26. Women’s Sports Uniform. News about female sporting uniforms holding girls back from participation is sport is disappointing and worrying but also nothing new. This episode of Sisters on Air will explore recent headlines into sexist female sporting uniforms, and the implications of this on young girls' physical and mental wellbeing. We will then go on to look at how events in sporting can sometimes be a microcosm reflecting society and explore how regulations regarding dress code have affected other groups- specifically Muslim women and finally discuss what Islamic regulations of dress are, why they exist and their benefits.
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Series 2 Episode 9. In this episode will be learning more about the research activities of Dr Muhammad Ahmad from the University of Surrey. His research is in the general area of advanced materials research and in particular carbon nanomaterials. In this episode we will learn about carbon nanomaterials such as Graphene, which was the area of the Physics Nobel Prize awarded in 2010. In the second segment of the episode, a few short science stories will be discussed, in particular the genome editing tool called CRISPR-Cas9 will be explained, which was the subject of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
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Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 19th January 2025.
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Episode 14. The Later Days. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby teaches his student Mr Stuart Chatto about the signs of the later days and the advent of the Promised Messiah.
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Episode 50. Love Thy Neighbour. Who is our neighbour? We will explore the teachings of different world faiths on treatment of neighbours, their rights and our responsibilities. We will have a discussion on who is our neighbour in a wider context, and a report on the relations between some neighbouring countries especially in the wake of Brexit. We will also a brief look at the change in local communities from small neighbourhoods to vast cities and what that means for neighbourhoods today.
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Episode 17. An address delivered to locals and dignitaries by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) at the inauguration of the Maryam Mosque, Galway, Ireland, delivered on 26th September 2014.
Learn more22:30Saturday
Ugly Duckling and other moral stories: Fall back in to your childhood with these classic moral tales, learn about their lasting significance and why moral stories are so valued in Islam.
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Episode 21. In this show, we shall be hearing inspiring poetry from the scientist and acclaimed poet Dr Muddasar Rashid who is from London. Dr Muddasar is an experimental physicist specifically in the area of quantum dynamics and thermo mechanics and shares six of his shimmering poems where he tries to personify nature allowing him to explore a different perspective which perhaps uncovers a hidden law of Allah at work. Inspired by the Holy Quran, his poetry begins with the journey which inspired him to go into a career of science and which then developed further, eventually encapsulating his scientific heart. Being keen on Hiking he has also had the opportunity to travel and marvel at the wondrous world in which we live from a height very few of us have been able to reach.His in-depth scientific knowledge and outlook coupled with a love for the Holy Quran has allowed him to bring a unique insight into the harmonious laws of nature, all expressed through poetry.
Learn more00:00Sunday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 1st February 2025.
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Episode 51. Evolution II. The theory of Evolution as put forth by Charles Darwin is universally accepted as a truism, it is the process that governed and shaped life. Yet it still proves to be a deeply divisive theory as soon as God and religion are evoked for one may be a believer in the theory of Evolution or a believer in God as the Creator. Can one not be both? The Holy Quran makes a wide range of observations covering the entire span of the creative process, pertaining to both the evolution of life and the preparatory stages preceding it. The modern theory of punctuated equilibrium might just be proof of a guided evolution that one has been looking for.
Learn more03:00Sunday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 2nd February 2025.
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Episode 27. Victim Mindset. “I am miserable, therefore; I am” is the victim mindset of assuming no control and responsibility over one’s life while hurting the people offering support. This passive-aggressive behaviour is increasingly causing resistance to the progression of a peaceful society and tipping the scales favouring the burden of problems and decreasing solutions or, rather, the willingness to reach one. In this episode of sisters on Air, we aim to study the different presentations of the victim mindset and evaluate its detrimental impacts on the population. We will also answer the question of how women, living in this modern world in search of equality, can overcome beliefs of feeling victimised.
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Islam's response to contemporary Issues- Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad: In this episode learn about the life of the fourth successor and Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and what Islam teaches us about the true meaning of democracy.
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Tune is to hear recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 3 Verse 118-147. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an is by Maulana Feroz Alam.
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Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 19th January 2025.
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Episode 18. A historic address delivered by His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, at a special reception held to celebrate the opening of the Baitur Rahman Mosque in Vancouver, Canada on 18th May 2013.
Learn more08:30Sunday
Inspirational story of how Melissa King accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat.
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Season 7 episode 5. Global governance part 1. In this episode we introduce and provide the background to global governance. We look to answer questions like when did this concept originate? What was the need for it? We will explore the concept of the League of Nations and its dissolution as well as the establishment of the United Nations and it success and failures. Finally we will look at the Islamic Principles on governance and give examples from the life of the Holy Prophet and Caliphs and advice and guidance from His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (atba).
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With Ahsan Ahmedi. A live show discussing the major news stories of the week.
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Episode 52. Angels. Heavenly messengers, or guardians of our souls...a presence watching over our shoulders, or our connection to the next world....? Angels have been a part of spirituality since time began. But what do the scriptures of the world say about these elusive beings? How can we know more about them and their purpose in God's creation? What are the roles of specific angels? And was there really a "Fallen Angel"? Many people believe that their lives have been touched by an angel in one way or another. What do they mean by this? And can we prove that they exist?
Learn more13:00Sunday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 7th February 2025.
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Season 7 episode 6. Global governance part 2. In this episode we introduce and provide the background to global governance. We look to answer questions like when did this concept originate? What was the need for it? We will explore the concept of the League of Nations and its dissolution as well as the establishment of the United Nations and it success and failures. Finally we will look at the Islamic Principles on governance and give examples from the life of the Holy Prophet and Caliphs and advice and guidance from His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (atba).
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Episode 53. Light. Amongst the numberless treasures of the Holy Quran we find the exquisite line 'Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the earth' which forms part of a beautiful and breath-taking verse referred to as 'the Light verse' (Q 24:36). Light is a theme oft recurring in the Islamic tradition and one which we find present in the poetry and ritual of both East and West. From the colourful, glowing lanterns of the Chinese New Year to the Hindu festival of Diwali to Holy Light in Christendom, Faith in Focus examines the symbolism and sanctity of Light in different faiths and cultures and explores our human fascination with this wonderful feature of our existence on this earth.
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Series 2. Episode 1. Why am I an Ahmadi? Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby is joined by Farhan Ali and Stuart Chatto to discuss about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam. In this programme they discuss the importance of knowing why you are an Ahmadi? The claims and roles of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him).
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Episode 23. A reception held in honour of the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper), at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Singapore on 26th September 2013. Over 100 people, including Mr. Lee Khoon Choy a founding member of the ruling People’s Action Party, who during a distinguished career also served as Singapore’s Ambassador to various countries were present at the historic event. During the keynote address his holiness spoke to a gathering of dignitaries from Singapore, one of the world’s most highly developed economies, to espouse the economic principles of Islam.
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Episode 6. Welcome to Words of Wisdom programme, where the timeless wisdom and profound teachings of Islam Ahmadiyyat illuminate the path towards spiritual enlightenment and a deeper connection with our Creator. As we embark on this journey together, may this inspirational speech serve as beacon of guidance, igniting within us a passion for righteousness, compassion, and the pursuit of divine knowledge.
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Tune in to this live interactive show where we try and discover the road to peace and a brighter future.
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Episode 6: An interactive English talk show series exploring various matters relating to Islam, the beacon of truth. Family is the most basic unit of our society and when there is a disharmony in the family, it reflects on the society. Join us today in our discussion on family values.
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Episode 55. Sin V - Wrath. How do we define anger? How does the Islamic definition on anger compare to that found in other faiths? What is the impact of anger upon our worldly and spiritual lives? What remedies does Islam offer for the issue of anger? Has the impact of anger changed over time?
Learn more22:00Sunday
A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 2nd February 2025.
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