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Voice Of Caliph


Voice Of Caliph


Episode 11. An address delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper), at a special reception held in his honour at the Princess Court Reception Centre in Melbourne on 11th October 2013. The event was attended by more than 100 dignitaries and guests, including Major-General Paul McLachlan, Mayor of Frankston, Sandra Mayer, Anthony Byrne MP, Judith Graley MP and Ingra Peulich MP.

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Book Corner


Book Corner


Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddique. Part 1. In light of all that has been said about the concept of Islamic Caliphate, this episode will look at the life and works of the first khalifa of Islam Hahdrat Abu Bakr Siddique (may Allah be pleased with him). Regarded as one of the closest companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the first man to accept Islam, learn about how he came to be a khalifa and what values the institution truly stood for.

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Drive Time


Drive Time VOI


A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 29th July 2024. No Show

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Beacon Of Truth


Scunthorpe Mosque Opening Live


Episode 2: An interactive English talk show series exploring various matters relating to Islam, the beacon of truth. In this programme we discuss the mobile technology and screen time, join us to find out the pros and cons of mobile tecnology and how you can manage your screen time.

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Understanding Islam


Understanding Islam


Series Two, Episode 7. Ten conditions of Bai'at. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby is joined by Farhan Ali (a new convert from a Shi'ite background) and Stuart Chatto (a new convert from a Christian background) to discuss about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, in response to our Khalifah's desire that every Ahmadi Muslim should fully understand why they are an Ahmadi Muslim and what are the claims of the Promised Messiah (a.s)? In this programme they will discuss the Ten conditions of Bai'at for joining the community.

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Faith In Focus


Faith In Focus


Episode 115. Faith in focus takes a look at the issue of modesty. What does modesty mean - is it simply the clothes we wear or something deeper? Is modesty found in different faiths or is it exclusive to Islam? What are the limits and advice regarding modesty of conduct and dress? Is modesty out of step with modernity or is society seeing the benefit of a modest approach?

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Book Corner


Book Corner


Life of Hadhrat Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her): We will look at the life of the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and learn about her courage and how she became a pioneer for women's rights in Islam. Book: Hadhrat Sayeedah Khadija (May Allah be pleased with her) by Rashid Ahmad Chaudhry.

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Scunthorpe Mosque Opening Live


Tune is to hear recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 3 Verse 193-201 and Chapter 4 Verse 1-12. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an is by Maulana Feroz Alam.

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Breakfast Show




Wake up to the Breakfast Show and catch up with the latest news stories.

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Pathway To Peace


Pathway To Peace


Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 28th January 2024.

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Episode 1: Join Kaleem Chris Edwards for another episode of “Serving Mankind with Humanity First” where we will be in conversation with: Humanity First UK– International Programme Directors Kalim Sadiq Fresh from a recent trip to Uganda and Kenya covering his role as Director of International Programmes we discuss a range of issues faced in his countries. We look at the benefits of volunteering and how the listener can get involved and be part of the solution. We give some background on the history of Humanity First and how serving mankind is incumbent on people of faith.

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Poets for Peace


Poets for Peace


Episode 5: The theme for this programme shall be on the Existence of God and we shall be hearing five poems that are relevant to this theme. We will be hearing: The inspiring poem written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah. which will be sung in its original Urdu language by the singer Mr Mujahid Javaid with running translation by Mr Mulqeet. A poem called ‘Which of the favours of your Lord do you deny’ written and presented by the acclaimed poet Mr Kamran Khan from Dubai. A poem called ‘When I think of you’ written by the young Miss Farah Khan. And finally poem of cosmic nature by the intellectual Mudassar Rashid.

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Faith In Focus


Faith In Focus


Episode 116. The beauty of nature reflects and reminds us of the sublime Beauty of God. During spring and summer we have the opportunity to observe and appreciate the vast display of flowers and shrubs provided by our Creator. Gardening is the perfect way to communicate with the beauty of nature and create your own little haven. We will look at different varieties of flowers and shrubs and gardening tips - planting, watering and plant feeds and cover sustainability by discussing the trend and benefits of growing fruit and vegetables in your garden or allotment.

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Review Of Religions



Episode 1. In this inaugural episode of "The Review of Religions Programme," we delve into the fascinating history of the renowned magazine that serves as the inspiration for this engaging radio show. Join us as we uncover the captivating stories behind its inception and evolution. Discover the magazine's dynamic online platform and explore its vibrant presence on social media. Gain insights from esteemed authors as we engage in enlightening conversations about a diverse range of topics. Prepare to be captivated as we delve into breaking a code revealed to the Messiah and explore the exquisite perfection found in God's creation, analyzing the intricate world of the spider webs. This is an episode you cannot afford to miss! Join us on "The Review of Religions Programme" on The Voice of Islam as we embark on an intellectual and spiritual journey, delving into the thought-provoking articles and timeless wisdom found within the magazine.

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Voice Of Caliph


Voice Of Caliph


Episode 34. An address delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) at a reception held to mark the inauguration of the Tahir Hall in, Peace Village, Canada. The event was attended by dignitaries including mayors, politicians, local community leaders and members of the local community.

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Qur’an Commentary


Scunthorpe Mosque Opening Live


Commentary of of the verse in which Allah the Almighty has Himslef promised the protection of the Holy Qur'an. Holy Qur'an, Surah Al-Hijr, chaper 15, verse 10.

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Living History


Living History - Voice of Islam


Episode 13. The Ummayyad Caliphate in Spain - In this episode we look at its origins and break from the Abbassid Caliphate and highlight some of the great achievements under the various rulers. We also briefly explore the contributions made by great figures like Ibn Rushd and others under this Caliphate.

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Sisters On Air


Sisters on Air


Episode 3. The address delivered by His Holiness to the ladies at the Jalsa Salana UK 2021 detailed the justice of Islamic teachings pertaining to the rights and responsibilities of both men and women and the need for ‘opening our spiritual eyes’. In this episode of SoA, we will further discuss some of the topics that were addressed by His Holiness, including but not limited to; further exploring the rights granted to women by Islam, and how this relates to secular feminist ideologies; commenting on the emphasis Islam places on secular and spiritual education for women and how justice for women is ingrained in Islamic principles.

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Drive Time


Drive Time VOI


Join in the debate of the day in this live interactive discussion programme. Medical tourism: Is medical tourism a boon for affordable, timely treatment, or does it pose significant risks and costs to the NHS due to complications and follow-up care? Should it be more tightly regulated to ensure patient safety and mitigate the financial burden on public healthcare systems?  Jihad: Jihad is often misunderstood as synonymous with violence, when in fact it signifies a  profound spiritual struggle towards self- improvement and justice. Its true essence is  rooted in striving for peace, compassion, and social harmony, reflecting the deeper, beautiful values of Islam.

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Faith In Focus


Faith In Focus


Episode 117. What is the value of truth and why is it so important? How is it linked to faith and how can we judge our own truth in relation to others? And is there such a thing as the ultimate truth?

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Pathway To Peace


Pathway To Peace


Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 11th February 2024.

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Poets for Peace


Poets for Peace


Episode 39. The concept of a Global Family is explored in this episode through poetry, interview and the enlightenment of Divine revelation. The episode begins with a melodious title song presenting the vision of Poets For Peace Show. The show consists of 3 segments, Symphony, Viewpoint and Inspirational. The Symphony segment presents the original poetry in the voices of a global team of Poets For Peace on the theme of the show. This is Episode Part 1 of a series of 3 episodes on the vital concept of Global Family. The poets participating in this episode’s Symphony segment are Sumayra Ahmad and Bushra Khan from UK and Kashmala Ahmad from USA. This segment also reveals a dream and quote of an eminent spiritual personality about the significance of poetry writing. The Viewpoint segment contains interview of a professor of Anthropology from UMBC University USA exploring the concept of Global Family. The Inspirational segment contains Divine enlightenment on the concept of Global Family from the Holy Quran and the sacred poetry of the Promised Messiah peace be upon him. This segment also presents Divine attributes of peace and security.

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Drive Time


Drive Time VOI


A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 29th July 2024. No Show

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Living History


Living History - Voice of Islam


Episode 14. Origins of the Great Mughal Empire. Part I. Dr Mohammed Iqbal with guests Amjad Hussain and Arif Ahmed trace the link between the Mongols and the founders of the Mughal Empire and how Islam influenced a warrior nation. Learn about some of the great contributions from the Timurid Dynasty to Akbar the Great.

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