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Weekend World


Weekend World


A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 21st July 2024.

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Faith In Focus


Faith In Focus


Episode 113. Centrality of Faith There is no single definition of faith. How do we know what faith actually is? What is the purpose of faith and how do we incorporate faith into our daily lives? Many people claim that faith is important to them and they say they make it central to their life. But practically how can we do this? What are the methods we can adopt to centralise faith in our lives and what is the purpose or benefit of doing so?

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Saturday Morning Live


Saturday Morning Live


A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 20th July 2024.

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Pathway To Peace


Pathway To Peace


Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 3rd July 2022.

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Poets for Peace


Poets for Peace


Episode 5: The theme for this programme shall be on the Existence of God and we shall be hearing five poems that are relevant to this theme. We will be hearing: The inspiring poem written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah. which will be sung in its original Urdu language by the singer Mr Mujahid Javaid with running translation by Mr Mulqeet. A poem called ‘Which of the favours of your Lord do you deny’ written and presented by the acclaimed poet Mr Kamran Khan from Dubai. A poem called ‘When I think of you’ written by the young Miss Farah Khan. And finally poem of cosmic nature by the intellectual Mudassar Rashid.

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Scunthorpe Mosque Opening Live


Tune is to hear recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 3 Verse 168-192. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an is by Maulana Feroz Alam.

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Breakfast Show




Wake up to the Breakfast Show and catch up with the latest news stories.

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Voice Of Caliph


Voice Of Caliph


Episode 11. An address delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper), at a special reception held in his honour at the Princess Court Reception Centre in Melbourne on 11th October 2013. The event was attended by more than 100 dignitaries and guests, including Major-General Paul McLachlan, Mayor of Frankston, Sandra Mayer, Anthony Byrne MP, Judith Graley MP and Ingra Peulich MP.

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Poets for Peace


Poets for Peace


Episode 1. Poetry has been a powerful means of expressing and conveying many fealings, experieces and views through out the centuries. Join us in this episode where we explore the subject of poetry in relation to Islam and be enlightened by the precious poetical pearls (Durr-e-Thamin) of the Messiah of this age, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be upon him). We also here a selction of the poetry of Mr Isa Wema, an Ahmadi Muslim, Ghanian poet.

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Al Hakam Inspire


Al Hakam Inspire


Episode 6. Our guest is Dr Adeel Bajwa, a consultant colorectal and general surgeon, cancer lead, working in the NHS. Dr Adeel Bajwa has also co-hosted the ‘Science Hour’ on the Voice of Islam Radio and has been studying the link between religion and science since his endeavours in his medical field. We discuss how science and religion are not at odds through the lens of evolution from an Islamic perspective.

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Understanding Islam


Understanding Islam


Series 2. Episode 6. Truthfulness of the Prophet. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby is joined by Farhan Ali (a new convert from a Shi'ite background) to discuss about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, in response to our Khalifah's desire that every Ahmadi Muslim should fully understand why they are an Ahmadi Muslim and what are the claims of the Promised Messiah (a.s)? In this programme they will discuss the ten criteria found in the Holy Books to prove the truth of a prophet and how the Promised Messiah fulfilled each one.

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Voice Of Caliph


Voice Of Caliph


Episode 8. An address delivered by His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, at the Ahmadiyya Annual Peace Symposium 2014.

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Book Corner


Book Corner


Caricatures. Part 1. Over the past decade the world has been witness to the controversy surrounding the caricatures of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), tune in to hear the words of the Khalifa of Islam Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his helper) on how the Muslim world should have responded to the caricatures.

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Medical Matters


Medical Matters


Episode 1. In this episode, we discussed Pre- Diabetes, a relatively new approach to prevent an epidemic of Diabetes. How can we diagnose this and what can we do to prevent developing full-blown Diabetes? Dr Imran Malik, an NHS Consultant Diabetologist spoke about this topic. Our other guest speaker, Consultant Diabetologist, Dr Kamrudeen Muhammad explained how to reverse Diabetes by adopting a special dietary measure.

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Journey To Islam


Scunthorpe Mosque Opening Live


Inspirational story of how Mashood Butt accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat.

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Episode 5. What is the golden ratio and how it can be defined linking back to the ideas of western and Islamic scholars of mathematics, sciences and The Arts? Leonardo da Vinci and his usage of golden ratio linking back to Luca Piccioli and his reading of Islamic scholars who had written about the golden ratio. We will look at the usage of golden ratio in letters and proportion with a link back to a pioneer of Islamic calligraphy; Ibn Muqlah. Golden ratio is used in major monuments such as Taj mahal, shah lotfollah mosque etc. leading to the perfection of Islamic architecture. Finally we look at the usage in Islamic calligraphy and how major letters conform to the golden ratio.

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Around The Table


Around The Table


Season 5 Episode 1: In this episode, the Around the Table team investigates the impact of Climate Change on the planet Earth. We explore the causes and drivers of climate change but extends the investigation beyond just the environmental impact. The investigation also focuses on how we live and how life on Earth will be impacted. Join us as we explore the facts and figures describing Climate Change and aim to unearth the possible outcomes of it and what could happen if the problem persists unchecked. Is it all doom and gloom? Tune in to find out.

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Drive Time


Drive Time VOI


Join in the debate of the day in this live interactive discussion programme. Forced Labour: Forced labor remains a widespread issue, affecting millions globally, including children, from Uzbekistan's troubling cotton industry to other sectors. This issue presents moral dilemmas for budget-conscious shoppers. We'll explore its impacts on victims, the fight against it through new laws and international pressure, and the challenges of ethical shopping amid ultra-cheap goods and aggressive marketing.   Friendship:Research study shows that friendships are crucial for our wellbeing and having strong friendships is a indicator of a healthy life.

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Science Hour


Science Hour


Series 3 Episode 7. This episode will cover the future of transportation with a focus on vehicles. The episode will be broadly about the electrification of vehicles. In terms of electrification, the motivation behind this will be discussed. The targets and challenges for achieving this transition towards electric vehicles will be discussed. Batteries, electric motors and related technology will be discussed. Fuel cells and the hydrogen economy will be discussed. In the concluding section, the prophecies of the Holy Prophet (saw) will be presented and the verse of the Holy Qur’an about the future of transportation will be presented.

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Living History


Living History - Voice of Islam


Episode 10. The Umayyad Caliphate (661-750 CE). The origin of the Umayyad dynasty, their achievements and expansion of the Islamic empire.

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Al Hakam Isnpire



Episode 7. Our guest is Rizwan Safir, an archaeologist and curator. Rizwan specialised in Middle Eastern archaeology and has worked for over a decade across the region, participating in excavation and heritage projects in Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the UAE and Qatar. He has worked for the British Museum, Humboldt University Berlin and Copenhagen University on leading research projects and is currently working as the Head of Research for Barker Langham, a cultural heritage consultancy focused on the development of museums and exhibitions around the world. Rizwan also serves as the Chairman of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Research Association UK (AMRA UK) and is the Editor for the Archaeology Section of the Review of Religions. We discuss the great archaeological history in Africa and the civilisations that thrived in the past and remain greatly unknown.

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Faith In Focus


Faith In Focus


Episode 114. Reason The conflict between the heart and the mind, between love and reason, is an eternal one. At what point do our minds give way to the desires of our souls? In the Islamic faith, reason and rationality are praised and we are told to look at the world with eyes wide open to be certain of our God. However, its Sacred Book also speaks of what lies beyond the sensory world, and belief in the unseen is a key tenet of this religion. Faith in Focus explores whether it is possible to reconcile reason and belief, and whether it is in opening our eyes or closing them that we come to know the Divine.

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Weekend World


Weekend World


A chance to listen to a repeat of a live news discussion programme recorded on 21st July 2024.

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