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Living History


Living History - Voice of Islam


Episode 15. Origins of the Great Mughal Empire. Part II.The achievements of the Great Mughals who followed Akbar, from Jahangir to Aurangzeb are discussed and the end of the Mughal Empire at the hands of the British.

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Faith In Focus


Faith In Focus


Episode 121: An in depth look at the issue of happiness. What is happiness? Can happiness be taught? Can we make ourselves happy? Is happiness useful for life? Also looking at scriptures and religious values and analysing how they describe, measure and assign significance to happiness.

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Understanding Islam


Understanding Islam


Series 2. Episode 5. Death of Jesus according to the Holy Bible. Tune in to learn about the basic teachings of Islam. Tahir Selby is joined by Farhan Ali (a new convert from a Shi'ite background) and Stuart Chatto (a new convert from a Christian background) to discuss about Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, in response to our Khalifah's desire that every Ahmadi Muslim should fully understand why they are an Ahmadi Muslim and what are the claims of the Promised Messiah (a.s)? In this programme they will discuss whether the Holy Bible states that Jesus died on the cross or not. This material is also available Online at

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Drive Time


Drive Time VOI


A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 10th September 2024.

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Pathway To Peace


Pathway To Peace


Repeat of a live interactive show recorded on 1st September 2024.

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Poets for Peace


Poets for Peace


Episode 23. The Theme of this show is the celebration of Eid, and we shall be hearing from six inspiring poets all touching on various aspects of this celebration which is marked by Muslims all over the world. The first poem is from a familiar voice of the show, the charismatic Salim Rahim from Mitcham, certainly a poet of high esteem. This is followed by a poem from sister Bushra Khan who is a doctor and an expert in using her symphony of gifted words to motivate others, who shall be sharing a poem titled ‘Celebrating Rebirth’.

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Scunthorpe Mosque Opening Live


Tune is to hear recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Chapter 13 Verse 14-44. Recitation of the Holy Qur'an is by Maulana Feroz Alam.

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Breakfast Show




Wake up to the Breakfast Show and catch up with the latest news stories.

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Around The Table


Around The Table


Season 7 Episode 1: Wellbeing is discussed on a much broader level, looking at how it is very much a personal achievement to be ‘well’ and feel ‘good’ in life, work, social and religious aspects. The panellists look at the differences in opinion and experiences of life that shape one’s wellbeing. Childhood as a defining element of wellbeing later in life is discussed alongside how contentment is perceived around the world.

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Living History


Living History - Voice of Islam


Episode 2. The Origins of Western Culture (Part 1-Semetic/Middle East roots& Greek culture ( Amjad Hussain/ Arif Ahmed)

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Understanding Islam


Understanding Islam


Series 3. Episode 4.Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam.Tune in to learn about the teachings of Islam.Tahir Selby is joined by Alex Borthwick and Amir Nawaz to discuss the book 'Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam' by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. To help understand the book easier, questions have been made from the book and then they are discussed.In this programme they will discuss Question Two - The State of Man after Death, taken from the pages 137 - 163 and covers:- Actions manifested in the Next Life; Middle State; Day of Judgement; Progress in the Hereafter, etc.

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Faith In Focus


Faith In Focus


Episode 80. Siblings. What are brothers and sisters; are they those who share parents? People raised from childhood in the same household? Those who share a belief system or a deeper spiritual connection? There is no doubt that some of the darkest tales from scripture have been those of siblings, from Cain and Abel to Joseph and his 12 brothers. Contrasting with others such as the love and friendship of Moses, Aaron and their sister Miriam. Siblings can be your closest friend and companion, but conversely, the cause of your biggest worries and failures in life. What is the impact of being one of many, or of having no siblings at all? Does birth order really make a difference? And what can we learn from the great achievements of siblings from our past and present? In this episode, we take a look at the ups and downs of fraternal and sororal bonds, and the role of faith and society in shaping this unique and powerful relationship.

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Medical Matters


Medical Matters


Episode 6. The concept of personalised care is relatively new. It is based on ‘what matters’ to people and their individual strengths and needs. NHS England has planned to deploy thousands of professionals who will deliver the programme. They are known as Care Co-ordinators, Social Prescribers and Health & Well-being coaches. Their primary focus will be managing long term conditions by utilising their expertise to empower and motivate patients to take control of their own health.

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Journey To Islam


Scunthorpe Mosque Opening Live


Inspirational story of how Ameer Narayan accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat.

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Sisters On Air


Sisters on Air


Episode 7. A universal topic affecting all humans, especially women, is health. What role does health and wellbeing play in the lives of Muslim women? How has Islam's teaching of "adopting the middle path" influenced the diet and lifestyle Muslim women adhere to? How did Muslim women navigate their physical and mental health during the recent pandemic and lockdown? In this episode of Sisters on Air, we endeavour to delve into these questions as well as exploring the similarities between modern medical concepts of mindfulness, intermittent fasting and infection control with the Islamic practices of prayer, fasting and ablution performed by Muslims for centuries.

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Voice Of Caliph


Voice Of Caliph


Episode 15. An address delivered by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper), at a reception held in Wellington, New Zealand.

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Book Corner


Book Corner


My Mother- Sir Zafrullah Khan: learn about the life of the first foreign minister of Pakistan, his struggle for human rights despite personal oppositions he faced for his faith, and the courage and determination of his mother who was one of his greatest inspirations. Produced by Maliha Hayat.

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Drive Time


Drive Time VOI


Join in the debate of the day in this live interactive discussion programme.

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Voice Of Caliph


Voice Of Caliph


Episode 17. An address delivered to locals and dignitaries by the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper) at the inauguration of the Maryam Mosque, Galway, Ireland, delivered on 26th September 2014.

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Faith And Freedom



Episode 2. This episode will serve as an introduction to the concept of FoRB. It will focus on the origins of FoRB, The origins of the concept of freedom of expression, freedom of religion in history & how it has evolved over time, the relevance it has played in history and where the key changes occurred historically to the rights of FoRB. In particular, we will focus on the early years of FoRB: The Romans tolerated most religions, including Judaism, and encouraged local subjects to continue worshipping their own gods. They did not however, tolerate Christianity until it was legalised by the Roman emperor Galerius in 311. Holmes and Bickers note that as long as Christianity was treated as a part of Judaism it enjoyed the same freedom, but the Christian claim to religious exclusivity meant its followers found themselves subject to hostility. The early Christian apologist Tertullian was the first-known writer referring to the term libertas religionis. The Edict of Milan guaranteed freedom of religion in the Roman Empire until the Edict of Thessalonica in 380, which outlawed all religions except Christianity. Following a period of fighting lasting around a hundred years before 620 AD which mainly involved Arab and Jewish inhabitants of Medina (then known as Yathrib), religious freedom for Muslims, Jews and pagans was declared by Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) in the Constitution of Medina. In early Muslim history (until mid 11th century), most Islamic scholars maintained a level of separation from the state which helped to establish some elements of institutional religious freedom. The Islamic Caliphate later guaranteed religious freedom under the conditions that non-Muslim communities accept dhimmi status and their adult males pay the jizya tax instead of the zakat paid by Muslim citizens.

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Living History


Living History - Voice of Islam


Episode 55. Dr Mohammed Iqbal the host of Living History explores with fellow Panelists o Early British settlements and the Celts o Roman Britain and arrival of Christianity o Invasions by Anglo-Saxons and Vikings o The shaping of an English and British Identity

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Faith In Focus


Faith In Focus


Episode 65. Meditation. What is meant by meditation and what is the differences between prayer and meditation. We will look into differences between religious and spiritual meditation, and why those who do not have a faith would choose to meditate. We will explore its health and wellbeing benefits and talk about meditation in different world religions.

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Drive Time


Drive Time VOI


A chance to listen to a repeat of a topical discussion programme recorded on 10th September 2024.

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Pathway To Peace


Pathway To Peace


Repeat of an Interactive show recorded on 21st April 2024. Synopsis: For the past two decades his Holiness, Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah strength his hand), has continually warned about the increasing risk of a 3rd world war, Today, as we stand on the brink of a global conflict, we analyse his advice to world leaders, and highlight the urgent steps required before it is too late. Presenters: Arif Khan, Sufyan Farooqi

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