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Drive Time


A live and interactive show which airs from 4 pm to 6 pm every weekday evening. The Drive Time show aims at covering topical issues as well as matters of faith. Helping inform listeners around the teachings of Islam as the solution for issues one may face on a personal, societal or global level.


Drive Time Show gets you involved in the discussion, with the topics that matter, every weekday 4-6 pm.

Scheduled on

Monday 01:00 03:00
Monday 16:00 18:00
Monday 22:00 00:00
Tuesday 16:00 18:00
Wednesday 04:00 06:00
Wednesday 16:00 18:00
Thursday 03:00 05:00
Thursday 16:00 18:00
Thursday 21:00 23:00
Friday 01:00 03:00
Friday 16:00 18:00
Friday 20:00 22:00
Saturday 02:00 04:00
Saturday 13:00 15:00
Sunday 00:00 02:00
Sunday 16:00 18:00


News, views, discussion and an insight into Islam’s perspectives on the world today.